Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I was thinking of you

I was thinking about you last night my dear,
of the occasional glances and knowing nods,
of the tentative touches and deep sighs,
the smiles that bore meaning
and the sadness that bared the soul

I was thinking about you this morning my darling,
of the long conversations by the sea
punctuated by the gentle sound of the waves
the sporadic silences
animated by the pink light on the horizon

The breeze blew strands of hair across your radiant face
as you told me about your future dreams
and as they unfolded I felt happy
that you will be where you can hear the birds chirping good morning
and the wind whispering sweet nothings to the leaves outside your window;
melancholic, because I will not be there to greet you with a kiss
and a song I wrote for you

The moments we were together, in each other’s arms,
seem so fleeting, like grains of sand dropping from my palm.
I could have spent the whole time just looking into your eyes
waiting for your soul to come up to view,
Or just held you close to comfort you

We talked instead of living and loving
and the joys of wandering; someday I wish to take you
to the heights of Machhu Picchu and the sights of white ice flowing into a blue sea
the mystical staring eyes of the Easter Island giants,
and the calming embrace of the laughing Buddha

That is not to be, at least not now, I do not know if ever,
Someday, I hope we meet again; faraway from this forgetable world
faraway, in a magical place where clocks forget to show the time
and tiny fairies dressed in white dance to the piper’s mellifluous tune
and bow low when we walk past them hand in hand
and take our seats under the shade of the mighty tree
with mynahs and kingfishers for company

It is not as if I haven’t built this beautiful world for you, my love

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