Shariat Panchayats not wanted
Finally some hope for Muslim women. The centre has ruled that shariat panchayats have no legal sanction. Neither can they claim to be an alternative to the Indian judicial system. The centre submitted an affidavit before the Supreme Court which stated that clerics cannot force people to obey their diktats. Further, a mufti cannot impose a fine or force a jail term for people violating a fatwa. The affidavit says that Islamic can only be an alternative dispute redressal mechanism and the role of muftis can only be to provide advice on matters brought before them.
This should hold out a ray of hope to the Imranas (and the activists battling the clerical order) that their rights will not be trampled upon by the mullas. In fact, this is a very welcome step which will help the community to intergrate itself with the mainstream (at least judicially speaking). Of course there will be opposition from the clerics who will cry blue murder and spout nonsense about “our rights being trampled”. The government should be firm and not upturn this progressive step.
It is because of the mullahs and their twisted interpretation of the Koran that women like imrana have to face the ignominy of being punished for being raped by their own father-in-law. Will these bearded fucks ever take off their blinkers and grow up? When Shabana Azmi recently said the Koran does not sanction veils that moron from the Jama Masjid, Bukhari, told her to mind her own business. “Her job is to sing and dance and not comment on religious issues,” continued the dork in a similar vein. Let him rave and rant all he wants, one just hopes the wider Muslim community uses the directive to their advantage.
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